May updates and links; parsing PDF files; slides from JupyterLab

Mostly we'll visit and discuss Mike's always-eclectic links, available at the meeting page, and if anyone's interested, John can give illustrated updates on his overhaul of the pdf parsing at the lowest level of openTaxForms, and on generating the slides at from a JupyterLab notebook via revealjs.  But we would love to hear about your project or question on anything in the open source realm! 

We meet on Monday, May 9 at 7pm, online

Future meetings will include:
- data visualization in Pandas
- crash course in deep learning
- learn python from scratch
And more in our ongoing series:
- Auto-mania explores automated transformation of source code.
- Demysti-py looks at how familiar constructs are implemented.
- Pythonic pitfalls: error fu deepens your understanding of fundamentals.
- Deep reading explores and applies academic articles on deep learning.
- New tool roundup by our resident code hound keeps you updated.