June nugget and updates
Date: Monday, June 14th @ 7pm
This month's novice nugget is by Mike, on his Battleship game simulation.Then after intro's we'll do updates, which could include:
- updating bokeh charts and table via gui elements.
- customizing matplotlib colors for categorical data and plot annotations.
- getting started with esp32cam
- recent tidbits from planetpython.org
and we'd love to hear your questions/projects/ideas!
Generally we share updates on our software projects, propose new projects, ask questions, or just listen We start with our novice nugget right at 7pm, and then we all introduce ourselves and offer topics to discuss. All topics open source are welcome.
**Please help us out**
Even if you cannot make it this month, please sign up at our fledgling website https://princetonpy.org/ and let us know if you have any issues.