Let's Code - Advent of Code
Date: Monday, February 12th @ 7pm
February's meeting will be an interactive one where we work together to solve Advent of Code (https://adventofcode.com/) problems using Python. Great for all levels, come down to see how Python can be used or how others use Python in ways that might be unfamiliar to you.Advent of Code is a series of small programming puzzles for a variety of skill levels. While not tailored specifically for Python, we'll be using Python to devise unique and interesting solutions to explore the possibilities that Python offers.
"Let's Code" events are designed to be a forum that allows for an exchange of knowledge among its participants. Whether you are a beginner testing the waters with Python or a seasoned veteran looking to see how others solve problems, there is something for everyone. Participation is not required. Spectators are welcome to observe how easy and clever Python can be.
Astute observers have noticed that the topic of January's meeting, which was canceled due to weather, has been rescheduled for February :)