PyGotham 2018 - Call for Proposals
Date: Monday, April 9th @ 7pm
April's meeting will have guests Dan and Max from the organization behind PyGotham in a Q&A / workshop event. They looking for presenters for this year's PyGotham event (October 5th and 6th, register and mark your calendars). They are looking to answer any questions or inspire you to become a speaker to help others looking to learn.If you've ever had the slightest interest in talking about a topic you're passionate about or want to share your knowledge with others this is a good first step towards that. We will begin with a moderated Q&A of Dan and Max, then break into small groups to brainstorm ideas for talk proposals. After brainstorming, we encourage everyone to briefly pitch their best idea to the whole group for some instant feedback from a wider audience!
PyGotham is a regional Python conference that has drawn over 500 participants in prior years. It's a great way to meet other fellow pythonistas as well as potential vendors and employers. It has been sponsored by groups such as Buzzfeed, Bank of America, Spotify, Twilo, and many more. This is an opportunity that shouldn't be missed by anyone looking to make a difference, so take that first step by attending on April 9th.
We're very excited to have a role with PyGotham and we hope that we can have a good PUG-IP representation in presenters and lighting talks at this year conference.