August meeting
Date: Monday, August 12th @ 7pm
Princeton Python Monthly: Aug 2024
Happy August!
Our next meeting is this Monday!
As usual we will start with a beginner-friendly review of recent tutorials, then everyone's introductions/updates; and finally Mike's links, Python news and the usual mix of the latest tools, testing, and tutorials at
And as always, your questions/ideas/doings are welcome--so join us!
Note our unchanging meeting url--use the Jitsi meeting link on our home page.
But first, check out AI Study Group this Sunday! Rick says: I've been reviewing whast Vercel has been up to and some new features from openai. I'll talk about that. Also, if anyone has experience with Langraph I'm trying to learn more. I might have a demo tomorrow.
sun11aug 2p AI Study Group [first sundays]
mon12aug 7p princetonpy meeting [second mondays]
August links:
AI Study Group:
- PySkyWiFi
- uHTTP : Pythonic web development
- Storage Combinators
- Transparent APIs
- really cool!
- @dispatch in iommi , check out for examples
- Learn About Python Decorators by Writing a Function Dispatcher
- tonio-m/python_neural_network : "mnist" in 60 lines of code, no dependencies. For educational purposes.
- A Neural Network in 11 lines of Python (Part 1)
- HTTPWTF - in-depth review of unexpected HTTP facets
- The Pitfalls of In-App Browsers
- Gotchas with SQLite in Production
- last month Adam T regaled us with decoding closed captioning from a TV signal, this month's analog feature: How does a car cigarette lighter work?
- How I Use Git Worktrees
- Using shadow DOM
- FastHTML - Modern web applications in pure Python
- Making Python less random
- chars2vec
- thefuzz
- Writing a tile server in Python