June meeting
Date: Monday, June 10th @ 7pm
Princeton Python Monthly: Jun 2024
Happy June!
Our next meeting is this Monday!
As usual we will start with a beginner-friendly code opener, this time on decorators,
then everyone's introductions/updates;
Jörg will discuss a leetcode solution that makes mind-bending [ab]use of decorators,
and finally Mike's links, Python news and the usual mix of the latest tools, testing, and tutorials at https://www.princetonpy.org/next-meeting/.
And as always, your questions/ideas/doings are welcome--so join us!
Note our unchanging meeting url--use the Jitsi meeting link on our home page.
But first, check out AI Study Group this Sunday!
Rick will dig into what are multimodal large language models, demo using one to watch a video versus
read video, and sharing a Jupiter notebook that performs the task with people.
AIStudyGroup has added in-person meetings as well.
sun09jun 2p AI Study Group [first sundays]
mon10jun 7p princetonpy meeting [second mondays]
June links: https://www.princetonpy.org/next-meeting/
AI Study Group: https://fubarlabs.org/schedule/
- Snip snap : examples of commands that support "switching back and forth"
- What Factors Explain the Nature of Software?
- osmocom/pysim : follow-up from last meeting, a package for reading and writing SIM cards
- another follow-up, this time for PAM (the cause of Mike's mosh woes)
- PAM Mastery by Michael W Lucas Pluggable Authentication Modules: Threat or Menace?
- an impressive link: Michael W Lucas's other tech books at his personal publishing site
- tmuxp : Session manager for tmux, which allows users to save and load tmux sessions through simple configuration files
- Developer Voices : Designing Actor-Based Software (with Hugh McKee)
- Useful tip: Google account connections
- dark pattern at LinkedIn, auto-sign in if you've ever granted Google SSO
- A Simple Kafka and Python Walkthrough
- whatwg/dom: Atomic move operation for element reparenting & reordering
- "Without an atomic move operation, re-parenting or re-ordering elements involves first removing them and then re-inserting them. With the DOM Standard's current removal/insertion model, this resets lots of state on various elements, including iframe document state, selection/focus on
s, and more." - a demo: https://reparent.jarhar.com
- another demo: https://state-preserving-atomic-move.glitch.me
- "Without an atomic move operation, re-parenting or re-ordering elements involves first removing them and then re-inserting them. With the DOM Standard's current removal/insertion model, this resets lots of state on various elements, including iframe document state, selection/focus on
- Django Enhancement Proposal 14: Background Workers