November meeting
Date: Monday, November 13th @ 7pm
Princeton Python Monthly: Nov 2023
Happy November!
Our next meeting is a week from Monday!
We will start with a beginner-friendly bit of coding, then everyone's introductions/updates.
We have a real-life interview question we can look at and Mike devised an easily copyable CI [continuous integration] setup based on systemd and a github action.
And finally Mike's links, Python news and the usual mix of the latest tools, testing, and tutorials gathering at
And as always, your questions/ideas/doings are welcome--so join us!
Note our unchanging meeting url--use the Jitsi meeting link on our home page.
But first, check out AI Study Group this Sunday! This one promises to be huge. A few weeks back Rick said:
The OpenAI api looks to be going 1.0. I'm still searching for the image interpretation part of the api and the new dalle3 image generation portion.
Also, I've finally figured out langchain and have started to work on the the agent concept.
And this week he says:
So much has happened to report on.
We can't wait!
sun05nov 2p AI Study Group [first sundays]
mon13nov 7p princetonpy meeting [second mondays]
November links:
AI Study Group:
- Intro to Hyperscript: Rethinking JavaScript
- Linux on the Web
- Essentials of Compilation: An Incremental Approach in Python
- Scheme in the browser: A Hoot of a tale
- Beyond Loom: Weaving new concurrency patterns (Java alert!)
- PEGs, as mentioned by John at the last meeting:
- PEGs and the Structure of Languages
- PEG parser generator experiments
- a repo of experiments by Guido Van Rossum, with links to the series of Medium articles he wrote
- Learn from LL(1) to PEG parser the hard way
- Difference between a PEG and recursive descent parser?
- Which Interpreters are Faster, AST or Bytecode?
- by a researcher who explores implementing language interpreters on top of metacompilation systems like Truffle & RPython (GraalVM / PyPy)
- Getting Started with RPython
- RPython by Example
- Writing an Interpreter with PyPy
- Fast Enough VMs in Fast Enough Time
- Rethinking Microservices
- Nodezator : multi-purpose visual node editor for the Python programming language
- pip install nodezator
- curl from start to end
- really neat image laying out every step of what happens when you use curl, including parsing & network connection
- related:, an informational site dedicated to HTTP
- led me down other content & background of the author
- The Case of a Curious SQL Query
- "predicate pushdown" optimization
- not knowing the /proc file system
- explores Python and Linux internals by way of profiling & benchmarking
- profiling: where does the program spend time, benchmarking: how fast does it run (relative something else)
- explores Python and Linux internals by way of profiling & benchmarking
- benthos
- surreal
- Organizing bookmarks : a reflection on bookmarking, which has a lot to do with this links section!
- Why is the Django Admin "Ugly?"
- django-jazzmin : a drop-in package for jazzing up Django Admin
- magpylib : such a neat library "for computation of magnetic fields of magnets, currents and moments"
- Web Design Museum
- Happy 32nd Birthday HTML tags! On October 29, 1991, the internet pioneer, Tim Berners-Lee, published a document entitled HTML Tags. The document contained a description of the first 18 HTML tags: <title>, <nextid>, <a>, <isindex>, <plaintext>, <listing>, <p>, <h1>…<h6>, <address>, <hp1>, <hp2>…, <dl>, <dt>, <dd>, <ul>, <li>,<menu> and <dir>. The design of the first version of HTML language was influenced by the SGML universal markup language.
- Blinded By the Light DOM
- fantastic write-up on the utility of Web Components with an emphasis on progressive enhancement
- "It’s the
structure that holds the real power. Inside there,connectedCallback()
is invoked whenever a<super-slider>
is connected; that is, whenever one is encountered in the page by the browser as it parses the markup, or when one is added to the page later on. It’s an auto-startup callback. (What’s a callback? I’ve never truly understood that, but it turns out I don’t have to!)"- I thought this was perhaps a joke or something, especially after searching around and finding out the author is a long-time expert in web languages. But no, seems like a humble admission - which I applaud! It's confusing jargon and I just mentally substitute function when I read it.
- "I’d love to see the templating/slotting capabilities of Shadow DOM brought into the fully Light-DOM component world. Maybe that’s what Declarative Shadow DOM is? Or maybe not! My eyes still go cross-glazed whenever I try to read articles about Shadow DOM, almost like a trickster demon lurking in the shadows casts a Spell of Confusion at me."
- Too relatable
- How to build command groups with sudo
- PEP 654 – Exception Groups and except* [since it came up a couple meetings ago]
- I’m banned for life from advertising on Meta. Because I teach Python.