September meeting
Date: Monday, September 11th @ 7pm
Princeton Python Monthly: Sep 2023
Happy September!
Our next meeting is this Monday!
As usual we will start with a beginner-friendly review of recent tutorials, then everyone's introductions/updates;
and finally Mike's links, Python news and the usual mix of the latest tools, testing, and tutorials at
And as always, your questions/ideas/doings are welcome--so join us!
Note our unchanging meeting url--use the Jitsi meeting link on our home page.
But first, check out AI Study Group this Sunday! Moved from its usual first sunday due to labor day, the focus this month is using AI to manage family photos, revisiting an old topic.
sun10sep 2p AI Study Group [but normally first sundays]
mon11sep 7p princetonpy meeting [second mondays]
September links:
AI Study Group:
- prettymapp
- Announcing Python in Excel (in Microsoft Cloud)
- Vim Creator Bram Moolenaar’s Forgotten Programming Language, Zimbu
- Why does all() return True if the iterable is empty?
- WTFPython: Exploring and understanding Python through surprising snippets
- forge (python) signatures for fun and profit
- Python Type Hints - *args and **kwargs
- Framework spotlight: Litestar
- Betamax: "records your HTTP interactions so the NSA does not have to"
- visualgo
- Understanding Immortal Objects in Python 3.12: A Deep Dive into Python Internals
- DevTools Tips
- svcs: A Flexible Service Locator for Python, by Hynek Schlawak
- Server-Side Rendering is a Thiel Truth
- Django Views "The Right Way"