June meeting
Date: Monday, June 12th @ 7pm
Princeton Python Monthly: Jun 2023
Happy [if smoky] June! Our next meeting is this Monday!
As usual we will start with a beginner-friendly segment, but this time starting a new opener series: tutorial round-up! Our opener will remain basic, but will focus on gathering the most interesting tutorials.; followed as usual with everyone's introductions/updates; Mark will demo how to create a basic cookiecutter template [cookiecutter is the dominant project templating utility]. And finally we'll discuss Mike's links: Python 3.12, time zone pitfalls, simulation/emulation, async in Django 4.2, and the usual mix of the latest tools, testing, and tutorials. And if anyone has time to look into air quality APIs, that would be a timely addition!
And as always, your questions/ideas/doings are welcome--so join us!
Note our unchanging meeting url--use the Jitsi meeting link on our home page.
The PrincetonPublicLibrary invited Mark back for a new and improved Python for Beginners series on Wednesdays! Each session now stands alone, covering a distinct facet of the language.
But first, check out AI Study Group this Sunday! [pushed back a week to June 11th] Rick says:
We'll be doing a warm-up ML example inspired by last month's Princeton Python opener [imitation being the sincerest flattery, thanks Rick!].
Topics: alternative [eg open source] large language models; demo using Gradio to make an RSVP system with an integrated chat bot.
11jun 2p AI Study Group [first sundays]
12jun 7p princetonpy meeting [second mondays]
14jun 6-7:30p Python for Beginners: https://princetonlibrary.libnet.info/event/8556301
21jun 6-7:30p Python for Beginners: https://princetonlibrary.libnet.info/event/8556302
28jun 6-7:30p Python for Beginners: https://princetonlibrary.libnet.info/event/8556303
June links: https://www.princetonpy.org/next-meeting/
AI Study Group: https://fubarlabs.org/schedule/
cookiecutter: https://github.com/cookiecutter/cookiecutter/blob/main/README.md
- rye
- KAppTemplate
- ipyflow
- Extending web applications with WebAssembly and Python
- pytz: The Fastest Footgun in the West
- howdoi (really nice tool!)
- Python Standard Library module spotlight: zoneinfo
- Porcelains by Dimitri Glazkov
- Python Programming MOOC 2023 - University of Helsinki
- JOY OF PROGRAMMING - Software Engineering Simulator
- Writing axle’s GameBoy emulator
- Writing a chat application in Django 4.2 using async StreamingHttpResponse, Server-Sent Events and PostgreSQL LISTEN/NOTIFY
- Saga pattern made easy (with Python example & other langs)
- The best new features and fixes in Python 3.12
- we already linked this in April, but this is a well written article
- MDN Blog
- Modern CSS in Real Life
- Java alert: Practical Project Reactor and reactive programing workshop
- Douglas Crockford (Inventor of JSON): Why We Should Stop Using JavaScript
- A talk about the OPDS standard, the politics of hypermedia, and a project to make it easy to check out ebooks from public libraries