February meeting
Date: Monday, February 13th @ 7pm
Princeton Python Monthly: February 2023
Will this Monday evening be swallowed by talk of chatGPT as last month's meeting was, when Steve described in detail how chatGPT augmented his self-described non-stellar coding skills? As tax time approaches, John is working on a new foundation for opentaxforms.org. And as usual Mike's links [febLinks] will help us keep up with new tools and trends in open source. So join us!
05feb 2p AI Study Group [first sundays--missed it this month!] [aistudygroup]
13feb 7p princetonpy meeting at http://8x8.vc/ppug
febLinks: https://www.princetonpy.org/next-meeting/
aistudygroup: https://fubarlabs.org/schedule/
chatGPT: https://openai.com/blog/chatgpt/
- Web Components
- Pirate Weather
- Food for thought:
- "I really hope some day we can appreciate that webcomponents are the best way to give users agency. Its an ok dev tool, but it takes so much invisible chaotic nonsense that JS does on modern sites & it can make it real, make it represented & visible & malleable on the site. It makes the web co-programmable, alike the better visions of what hypercard &al were maybe heading towards. [...]"
- https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34334371
- beetrace - Trace your python process line by line with low overhead!
- Python 3: From None to Machine Learning Title
- Getting Started With Property-Based Testing in Python With Hypothesis and Pytest
- Python’s “Disappointing” Superpowers
- MacTutor
- It is becoming difficult for me to be productive in Python
- Adding Python WASI support to Wasm Language Runtimes