World Bank API, geopandas, backprop, image stitching, QR codes

Date: Monday, September 12th @ 7pm

September: World Bank API, geopandas, backprop, image stitching, QR codes

Mark is working on a small Python application that connects to the World Bank API for modeling data.
John used geopandas on land cover data from NJ DEP.
And as usual, we'll discuss this month's links, collecting here and including the backprop algorithm, image stitching, QR codes, python in the browser, and much more.

But if you'll share with us your question/idea/project, that could become our focus for awhile.  Who can say?

Join us Monday, September 12 at 7pm online 

And note that our sister group, the AIStudyGroup at FubarLabs, will meet virtually on Sunday, September 11 at 2pm!
