James Dennis: The Brubeck Web Framework
Date: Monday, December 12th @ 7pm
Brubeck is unique among Python web frameworks in a number of ways. Chief among them is that the project aims to make real scalability of web applications doable and relatively simple out-of-the-box. In pursuit of this goal, they've architected around components that are well-known in non-web scalability efforts, but for some reason haven't been baked into most web frameworks, like ZeroMQ, Eventlet, DictShield, etc.While Brubeck's developer-facing layer appears very easy to work with, what goes on underneath is very interesting. So whether you're a scalability nut or more front-end focused, this framework is worthy of some attention.
We're lucky to have James Dennis, a core developer of Brubeck, with us to tell us all about it at our December 12th meetup.
See a design doc at http://brubeck.io/design.html